Heart Attack and Stroke Symptoms and Risk Factors
Highly-Recommended Resources
Your Final Breakthrough (from A Woman's Guide to Saving Her Own Life)CDs and tape programs include Achieve Your Chosen Weight, Relieve Stress, Restful Sleep, Relax and Succeed, Overcome Anxiety, and many more health and success programs. This link includes a $20 off promotion for orders of $59.95 and more.
Brian Tracy programs (also eligible for $20 off promotion for orders of $59.95 and more)
No Pudge Brownies (from Chapter 16 of A Woman's Guide to Saving Her Own Life)
Joseph's Fat-Free Cookies (from Chapter 16 of A Woman's Guide to Saving Her Own Life)
Healthy Travel Network is a resource for exercise, fitness, and travel health information for business travelers, featuring The Fit Traveler newsletter and the Travel Fit Kit.
Medical Resources
American Heart Association
American Heart Association JournalsCirculation, Hypertension, Stroke, and others
American Stroke Association
Berkeley Wellness Letter
Cleveland Clinic Heart Center
CNN Health
Harvard Medical School Health Letters
Heart Center Online for Patients
Johns Hopkins Medicine
Karolinska Institute Library - Diseases, Disorders, and Related Topics
Mayo Clinic Consumer Health
Medem medical information resource founded and sponsored by 45 national, state, and specialty medical societies, including the American Medical Association
MEDLINEplus from the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health
Medscape and WebMD
MedWebPlus global health science index by topic and region
National Institutes of Health (US)
National Health Service (UK)
Nature Publications on medical and scientific topics
University of California Berkeley Library Public Health Resources on the Internet
Women’s Health Resources at About.com
Women's Health Resources at Snowmass Institute
Other Health-related Resources
Healthy Travel Network is a resource for exercise, fitness, and travel health information for business travelers, featuring The Fit Traveler newsletter and the Travel Fit Kit.
The Travel Insider is one of my favorite newsletters. It's a great resource for those who travel to stay updated on airlines, security, and accessories that make travel less taxing.
Intranet Resources